The Collegium of the Estonian Institute of
Humanities certifies that
Madis Liibek,
born 13.12. 1974
ID code xxx, has fulfilled the
requierements of the Curriculum in
and has obtained the degree
of baccalaureus artium
/Mikko Lagerspetz/
/Viive Krips/
Diploma xxx
Tallin, February 2, 2001
Estonian Instiute of Humanities
Academic transcript is valid only with the diploma
To DIPLOMA no. xxx
Madis Liibek
ID code xxx
Major subject: Philosophy
Syllabus code: xxx
Subject Credits Mark Date Examiner
English, Level I 9CP 2 (satisfactory) 02.02.01 MITS
German, Level II 18CP approbatur 27.05.98 TÄHEPÕLD
Finnish, Level I 6CP 5 (excellent) 09.06.00 JOALAID#
Introductory Courses:
Introduction to Philosophy 4CP cum laude 12.06.95 PIIBELEHT
Elemetary Logic 3CP 4 (very good) 03.01.01 OJA
Introduction to Art History 3CP approbatur 16.06.98 KALJUNDI
Major Subject:
Review of Metaphysical Systems: Plato
3CP approbatur 11.06.98 KALLAS
Review of Metaphysical Systems: Aristotle
2CP approbatur 22.12.98 KALLAS
Review of Metaphysical Systems: Kant
3CP cum laude 20.01.98 KALLAS
Review of Metaphysical Systems: Hegel
2CP cum laude 17.05.99 MÄGI
Philosophy in 20. Century I: Continental Philosophy
3CP approbatur 08.01.99 KALLAS
Philosophy in 20. Century II: Analytical Philosophy
2CP cum laude 20.01.97 EINTALU
Ethics 1CP approbatur 24.04.98 KALLAS
Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
2CP approbatur 20.01.99 EINTALU
Proseminar 1CP approbatur 18.05.98 KALLAS
Metaphysics 1CP cum laude 08.12.98 KALLAS
Hegel and Heidegger: Thinking about the thing itself
2CP cum laude 17.01.95 VIIK
Special Course in Metaphysics 2CP cum laude 22.01.99 JÕEMETS
Epistemology 2CP 2 (satisfactory) 28.11.00 MÄGI
Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art
1CP approbatur 25.05.98 KSENOFONTOV
Concept of Self-organising in Society
2CP approbatur 17.01.95 NÄPINEN
Introduction to Heidegger´s Thought
2 CP approbatur 23.01.98 KALLAS
Histroy of Modern Philosophy I 6CP cum laude 12.01.95 KSENOFONTOV
History of Modern Philosophy II 4CP cum laude 22.06.95 KSENOFONTOV
Plato´s Dialogues “Sophist”, “Parmenides”
2CP 3 (good) 02.01.01 JÕEMETS
Heidegger and Nietzsche on Nihilism
1CP approbatur 19.05.98 KALLAS
Problem of Beginning 1CP 4(very good) 05.01.01 KALLAS
Seminar on Epistemology: Kant “Prolegomena”
2CP cum laude 17.05.99 MÄGI
Aristotle “Nikomachean Ethics” 2CP approbatur 17.05.99 KALLAS
Classical Text in Aesthetics: J. Vuorinen
2CP approbatur 05.05.99 KALLAS
Philosophies of Differance: Heidegger, Derrida; Deleuze
2CP approbatur 10.06.99 KALLAS
K.-R. Popper “Open Society and Ist Enemies”
2CP approbatur 11.06.99 KALLAS
Seminar on Cassirer´s Cultural Philsophy
2CP approbatur 12.05.98 VIIK
Heidegger´s “Introduction to Metaphysics”
3CP cum laude 19.01.98 LUIK
Fr. Nietzsche “Die fröliche Wissenschaft”
2CP cum laude 02.12.97 KRULL
G.Deleuze, F.Guattari “What Is Philsophy?”
1CP cum laude 02.12.97 KRULL
Optional Subjects:
Ancient and Medival Art 4CP approbatur 15.06.95 KALJUNDI
Schools in Literary Theory I 2CP approbatur 08.06.98 KRULL
Schools in Literary Theory II 2CP approbatur 18.06.98 KRULL
Anarchism and Literature 2CP approbatur 22.01.99 KRULL
Postmodern Literary Theory 2CP cum laude 11.01.99 KRULL
Early Indian History and Culture
3CP approbatur 29.05.98 KALDA
Review of German Art History 2CP cum laude 12.11.97 KALJUNDI
Introduction to International Relations
2CP 5 (excellent) 19.12.00 MÖLDER History of Religion 2CP approbatur 19.01.95 LAHE
History of European Ideas: Ancient Times
2CP approbatur 19.06.95 VIIK
History of European Ideas: Middle Ages
2CP approbatur 19.06.95 VIIK
History of European Ideas: Modernism
2CP cum laude 11.04.96 VIIK
Modern Political Philosophy and Ideologies
2CP 4 (very good) 14.12.00 KIVI
Term and Seminar Papers:
Apologetic Nihilism 1CP cum laude 13.03.97 VIIK
Rediscovered Myth 1CP cum laude 30.05.97 VIIK
On the (Non)determination of Nihilism
1CP approbatur 04.06.97 PIIBELEHT
On the Position of the Meaning of Aesthetics
1CP approbatur 19.03.98 KALJUNDI
Fr. Kafka: Novel as a Phenomen 2CP approbatur 18.05.98 KALLAS
On the Concept of Irony 1CP cum laude 20.05.98 KALLAS
E. Cassirer´s Antropological Symbolism
1CP approbatur 27.05.98 VIIK
Th. Mann “Magic Mountain” 1CP cum laude 14.06.99 KRULL
On the Language of Anti-Metaphysics
1CP approbatur 18.06.99 MÄGI
Kierkegaard and Nietzsche 1CP approbatur 20.06.99 MÄGI
On the Concept of Existentialism 4CP 4(very good) 12.12.00 PIIBELEHT
European Idea in the Age of Rupture 1CP 5(excellent) 15.12.00 MÖLDER
BA Thesis:
On the Concept of Existential Aestheticism
10CP 4(very good) 15.12.00
Supervisor: Triin Kallas
Examiner: Hasso Krull-
Note: 1CP (credit point) – 1 study week or 40 hours of work
Until 01.09. 1999 marking system used as follows:
approbatur (60-80% correct answers) – passed
cum laude (81-100% correct answers) – passed with merit
# examination passed at Tallinn Pedagogical University
Collegium´s decision nr. 105 02. February 2001: M. Liibek has premission to graduate with 3 missing credit points in languages.
Issued on graduation from the Estonian Institute of Humanities.
February 2. 2001. A Decision of Collegium no. 105/3
Assistant Head of Department Triin Kallas
Registrar´s Office Liina Urbanus
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